> Support > Email Support. > Creating an email alias

Creating an email alias

What is an alias?

An email alias is not a real email account, instead it is an address that forwards all the email it receives to another account.

If you want to still access the email account like a normal account, you could try setting up an email forwarder.

How do I create an alias?

  1. Login to thewebconsole.com
  2. Click on the Settings tab on the left and the on the Emails tab at the top.
  3. Click on the radio button next to the email address you want to setup the alias for and click on the "Manage Email Aliases" button.
  4. Fill in the "Email Alias" field with the email you want and click on "Add Alias". This email address must have the same domain as the one you are using e.g.: for the email test@thewebconsole.com, you could setup tst@thewebconsole.com but not test@test.com.

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