> Support > Website Add On Tools > Gallery > Creating a new image gallery

Creating a new image gallery

Image galleries are a great way of displaying images on your webiste. It may be a gallery of a past project, existing products, or social events.

To create a new gallery:

  1. Navigate to the “Gallery” on the menu on the left area within thewebconsole and click Galleries.
  2. Click on the “Add Gallery” button and fill in the following form:
    • Name - Give the gallery a name that will be visible to both you and visitors on the front end.
    • Description - The description is an HTML area which is displayed above the images in the gallery. You can format text, add links and image.
    • Popup Template - You can select the look and feel of how the gallery will look when a user clicks on the image.
    • Tags - Organise galleries with tags to allow users to filter on galleries.
    • Status - Hide your gallery until you have completed adding all your images.
    • Behind the “Show Advanced Options” text link you will also have access to:
      • Meta Title - Set a title for search engines.
      • Meta Description - Set a description for search engines.
      • Password Protect Page - Password protect the gallery with a single password or individually for contacts in your Database Marketing account.
      • Show Related Galleries - If you select “yes”, the names of other related galleries will be displayed below the images in this gallery. You can select the number of links to display.
      • Images per Row - The number of images that are displayed per row in the gallery.
      • Rows per Page - The number of rows of images displayed per page.
      • Thumbnail Width - Set the thumbnail width of the images in the gallery.
      • Thumbnail Height - Set the thumbnail height of the images in the gallery.
  3. Click on “Save Gallery”, and you will be forwarded to the area in which you can upload the images. To upload images, click on the “Add Image” button and fill in the form:
    • Image File - You can upload a single file, or upload a zip file of images.
    • Description - The description is displayed below the images when you click on them.
  4. Images will automatically be resized prior to being displayed.

Galleries will only be displayed in the link to “Related Galleries”, unless you manually add it to the Menu, or link to it from within a content page.

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